The Disastrous Reign of Desiree Rogers at Johnson Publishing Continues, Mitzi Miller Steps Down From Ebony
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The company isn't attractive to advertisers as it literally lacks a broad audience and products. Back in 2011 the company got a cash injection from JP Morgan, but this didn't stop the bleeding and no major digital initiative was implemented. Johnson Publishing should be the go to source for advertisers looking to reach the African American demo. Instead advertisers are going to digital media companies like Moguldom Media (, Moguldom Media would've been a perfect fit for Johnson Publishing if someone there was thinking ahead. If not an outright acquisition then some kind of content/advertising partnership would have benefited Johnson Publishing.We've said this before. Its as if both Desiree Rogers and her boss Linda Johnson Rice have given up and taking the lazy way out by simply selling everything including the kitchen sink. Ebony's ad pages are down 8% and the quality of the magazine has also declined. It doesn't have that star power it once packed when being on the cover was a fete. Whats next for the dying company? No one knows except those in charge. But if Linda Johnson Rice wants to preserve her dad's legacy, she must first downgrade her roll to non executive chairman and show Desiree Rogers the door. In today's media environment, one can't simply hire an executive because they've lead other companies before. The media executive of today has to understand the current media landscape, and have the proper shoes for it. Desiree Rogers doesn't have this and clearly Ms. Johnson Rice doesn't either. Johnson Publishing has no major partnerships to speak of. A company like Johnson should've looked to partner up with companies Like BET or TV One or Even OWN to bring some of the stories from its pages to television. But there is nothing. Its as if the company is being ran from another universe where the CEO isn't seeing whats happening in the industry. The company continues to see itself as simply a magazine publishing company and so, for years they've behaved as just that. While other publishers continue to transform themselves, Johnson Publishing is frozen in time. [post_ad] [full_width]
The Disastrous Reign of Desiree Rogers at Johnson Publishing Continues, Mitzi Miller Steps Down From Ebony
Reviewed by Editor